What is SSO?
SSO (Single sign-on) is a sign-in method that allows a user to log into one application and access all of their accounts from one place with one set of credentials (username and password) through a third party Identity Provider.
For example, if there are several large independent sections on the web portal (forum, chat, blog, etc.) then, having passed the authentication procedure in one of the services, the user automatically gets access to all the others, which eliminates him from repeatedly entering his or her data Account.
What Identity Providers does Heartpace integrate with?
Heartpace integrates with the following Identity Providers:
Any Identity Provider that supports SAML 2.0
How do users log into Heartpace after SSO is activated?
If SSO (Single Sign On) login is enabled for your company and you've already logged in once, simply click on the button that shows Identity Provider method your company uses to get inside your Hearpace account: